
I am a recently freed slave of sin with a very firm belief in Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


My diet

As most of you know, I have a weight problem....Ha Ha Ha, I'm fat and I'm not P.C. about it. I have started my 'diet' again and thought that this would be a good thing for me to chronicle. So every monday-ish I will try to post my new weight. This is how it has gone so far....
12-06-04 311# START
12-13-04 307#
12-20-04 302.5#
12-28-04 301#
01-03-05 298#
01-10-05 298#
01-17-05 298#
01-25-05 295#
01-31-05 291# 20lbs gone!
02-08-05 289#
02-14-05 287#
02-21-05 287#
02-28-05 283#
03-07-05 283# At least it didn't go up!
03-14-05 282#
03-21-05 281# 8 miles walked this week
03-28-05 279# 15 miles
04-04-05 272# 23 miles walked, 39lbs gone!
04-11-05 274# 19 miles (everyone says its muscle gain!)
04-18-05 271# 40lbs gone! no walking(I blistered my feet really bad.)
04-26-05 268# 3 miles
05-02-05 266# 0miles
05-09-05 260# 4 miles 51 lbs gone!
05-16-05 261# 10 miles
05-23-05 260# 25.5 miles (11.5 miles on my birthday 5-20)

The way this works is I count fat grams thats it. Normally, dialy allowance is between 60g and 85g fat per day depending on a 2000 vs. 2500 calorie diet. I am staying at about 22g-25g of fat daily and not doing much else. Oh, I have started drinking loads of water. Later I will tell you how to keep track of your fat intake. Turn over any PACKAGED FOOD ITEM (preferably wraped for american consumption) and read ALL the information printed on the nutritional facts. Try switching from hamburger to ground turkey (found at my favorite store, Wal-Mart), eat more fish(not fried/LJS). Matter of fact stay away from anything fried, and watch out for salad dressings. I eat a lot of Subway because they actively list fat and calories and aren't afriad to. Other than that, I stay away from 'fastfood' especially the golden fried arches! My wife has completely cut out all red meat, poultry, and dairy from her diet which is helping me because we are eating a lot of fish and soy products. Her 'diet' has been going for almost 4 weeks and she has lost 29#s (I know that that much weight loss in such a short period of time is not healthy. That is her choice, and I am trying to advocate a sensible weightloss plan. but feel free to comment.)

I have begun exercising this week(3-14-05). My supervisor is letting me take a 30-45min walk in the evenings with a pager. We will see how things go now. I have not given enough credit to God for my diet. I have been given the strength to stand against my (food)temptations by prayer. I have tried dieting many, many times before and I have always failed. My faith is not failing me or my diet.

I have set a goal as far as my walking goes; The Okc Memorial Marathon in '06. I am planning on walking(or running) the full 26.2 miles. I will keep you informed of my progress.

I will keep the new listings going. Always and forever, (ironically)BigMike.

Way to go big brotha. If you keep it going we can call you little brotha.
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